Ministry of agriculture pay close attention to the monitoring of veterinary drug residues and bacterial drug resistance

2018-04-08 15:54:30 2178

Ministry of agriculture pay close attention to the monitoring of veterinary drug residues and bacterial drug resistance

2018-03-09 Reagent technology



On the morning of March 7, the information center of the first session of the 13th national people's congress held a press conference at the multi - function hall of the Medea center, inviting Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, pan xianzheng, spokesman and chief of staff of the Ministry of agriculture, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists on the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization to promote agricultural transformation and upgrading.
China food safety news reporter: we know that the Ministry of agriculture has carried out the monitoring of antibiotic residues in the aquaculture sector. could you tell me what the monitoring situation of minister Han is, and also want to ask if there are any data to be published?
Pan xianzheng: the Ministry of agriculture attaches great importance to the monitoring of antibiotics in the breeding links mentioned by you. we adhere to the combination of production and management, treat both symptoms and root causes, introduce hard measures for supervision, play a good " combination punch" for regulation, and further promote the comprehensive management of veterinary antibiotics. Mainly from four aspects:



Strict control of access points

Is the good access, adhere to the " four not approved", is not approved by people with important antibiotics as veterinary drug production and use, not approved for growth-promoting antibiotics for veterinary drug production and use, not approved easy accumulation of residual excessive antibiotics as veterinary drug production and use, not approved easy to produce cross drug resistance of antibiotics as veterinary drug production and use.


Enhanced risk assessment

Resolutely eliminate the existence of potential safety hazards of veterinary drugs, we have banned eight kinds of veterinary antibiotics for food animals in the past three years, banned one kind of veterinary antibiotics for animal growth.


Promoting comprehensive governance

Continue to carry out the veterinary drug residues exceed the standard of special rectification, the implementation of promoting the growth of veterinary antibiotics gradually withdraw action.


Implementation of smart regulation

Is to improve our national veterinary drug basic data information platform, improve the veterinary drug " two - dimensional code" electronic traceability management system, realize the veterinary drug products " source can be found, can be traced", where to come from, where to go, what to do, through this information platform can be controlled. In 2017, we monitored the residues of 70 drugs in 14 categories, including antibiotics, for major livestock and poultry products such as pork, and the qualified rate reached 99.7 %. The next step, the Ministry of agriculture will pay close attention to the monitoring of veterinary drug residues and bacterial resistance monitoring, promote the production and operation of veterinary drugs can be traced back to the management, guide the breeders " less medication" " good medicine", to ensure the safety of our livestock and poultry products.


